Finding Freedom: A weekend retreat on
the Seven Points of Mind training

with Tim Olmsted - October 4th - 6th
In-person Or online

Welcome to our REtreat INformation page

The Teaching schedule is listed in Mountain Time and in overview is Friday 6:30-8:30pm, Saturday 9am-5pm and Sunday 9am-5pm. A more detailed schedule is coming closer to the event.

In-Person Information


  • Big House Burgers - (immediately after the retreat and main clean up) substantial appetizers will be provided along with an opportunity to reflect on the weekend with Tim and sangha friends.

Community activities (Optional but encouraged) Include:

  • Friday Morning Walk through the Yampa River Botanical Park - 9am. This is a relaxed, beautiful stroll. We will plan to walk to our little Buddha garden and recite the Treasury of Blessings (chant sheet provided) with Tim. Then we can break up and you can explore on your own or in small groups.

  • Friday small group dinner option at 5pm - location to be decided

  • Saturday small group dinner option after teachings - The Commons - a lovely, close location with a variety of vendors with lots of open seating so we can gather and get to know each other better. We can walk there together as a group (5 blocks).

Places to stay

REtreat FAQ’s

Volunteer Sign-up

ONline INformation:

  • Zoom Link coming soon

The heart of a community of practicing friends is a naturally existing mirror. If we’re open and curious, the world mirrors our sanity and our neurosis. It’s quite beautiful.
— Tim Olmsted
No matter what comes along, we’re always standing at the center of the world in the middle of sacred space, and everything that comes into that circle and exists with us there has come to teach us what we need to know.
Our life’s work is to wake up, to let the things that enter into the circle wake you up rather than put you to sleep.
— Pema Chödrön